
Dr. Felicitas Sommer Discusses "Rent Survey Munich": Recent Newspaper Interview

7 Mar 2024

In a recent interview with TZ, Dr. Felicitas Sommer, leading SODA's "Rent Survey Munich" project at LMU and associated with TUM, sheds light on the complexities of rent control in Munich.

The project aims to explore tenants' awareness and application of rent control measures, like the "Mietpreisbremse", which caps rent increases in areas with strained housing markets. Sommer's team distributed 10,000 flyers to conduct an online survey, gathering insights into Munich residents' experiences and perceptions regarding rental rights and limitations.

For more insights on the project, please visit TZ (Article: "Viele Münchner zahlen mehr Miete, als sie eigentlich müssten") or our project site: "Rent Survey Munich".