IPSDS: International Program in Survey Practice and Data Science

International Program in Survey Practice and Data Science

The demand for well-trained experts in data collection and data analysis is rising, because not only private-sector companies but also governments and non-profit organizations increasingly use data from surveys for monitoring and decision-making. Employees in this sector usually have academic training in the social and economic sciences and some training in statistics, but no training in the job they are actually doing. Skills are acquired on the job.

The demand for well-trained experts in data collection and data analysis is rising, because not only private-sector companies but also governments and non-profit organizations increasingly use data from surveys for monitoring and decision-making. Employees in this sector usually have academic training in the social and economic sciences and some training in statistics, but no training in the job they are actually doing. Skills are acquired on the job.

The international state of the art in survey methodology and data science is often unknown. Because of rapid developments both in the practical field as well as in academic research, the gap between research and practice is wide. It is necessary to facilitate a faster transfer of knowledge in this area where change and refinement of data collection techniques and the opportunities to combine different data sources are ongoing. These developments also challenge data analysis techniques. At the same time, as more and more companies operate internationally and international markets grow, there is an increasing demand for practitioners sensitive to country-specific issues in data quality etc. The internationally oriented online professional studies is designed to lead to a Master's degree to fill this gap.

We are excited to announce that the International Program in Survey and Data Science is now offered as Mannheim Master of Applied Data Science at Mannheim Business School. You can join the IPSDS courses not only through the Master's program, but also as single open courses or as part of our certificates.
