Research Interest

  • Responsible AI

Short Description

Sonja is a researcher and cloud solution architect with a passion for artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on society. As a researcher at Social Data Science and AI lab at Ludwig Maximilian University, she explores how AI can be used responsibly to address privacy concerns. As a Data & AI cloud solution architect at Microsoft, she helps customers design and implement cloud-based solutions that leverage AI capabilities and follow the principles of trustworthy AI.

Sonja believes that AI has the potential to transform the way we tackle global issues in our society. At the same time, she acknowledges concerns about the control of technology and its implications. For many people, AI carries the risk of being left out of an increasingly digital world. Also, the acceleration of the adoption of AI technologies and the trend towards larger models and more digital data is leading to a massive carbon footprint. The advantages of using AI should outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, it is important to bring the conversation about developing responsible AI solutions across the entire lifecycle to the forefront. Existing frameworks help to establish governance mechanisms and raise awareness of ethical decisions.

The dynamic advancement of AI cannot be driven by one company, industry, university or program alone. Interdisciplinary teams and new approaches are needed to unlock the full potential. We can start by better understanding and sharing the idea of responsible AI.