Project Description
In the privacy arena, stakeholders from different sectors and with different interests all try to influence privacy debates and resulting policies and practices. The size and diversity of the privacy stakeholder arena present a challenge for systematically synthesizing its members’ conversations and opinions, including reaching, recruiting, and retaining them for a survey.
The TAPP (Transatlantic Privacy Perceptions) Panel aims to follow and analyze developments in stakeholders’ attitudes, expectations, and concerns around current and future topics in digital privacy over time through a cross-national, cross-sectoral survey of influential voices and experts in privacy.
For reaching, recruiting, and retaining this unique population, a novel, tiered and targeted sampling and recruiting approach has been developed, combining systematic research for privacy experts with Twitter-based network and respondent-driven sampling techniques. Informed by mixed-method content analysis as well as qualitative interviews, the TAPP panel will tap panel participants’ thoughts and opinions twice a year in a short survey, including a “privacy index” as a quantitative signal on the state of privacy.