Dr. Wiebke Weber
Office address:
Ludwigstr. 33
80539 Munich
Wiebke Weber joined the Social Data Science and AI Lab at LMU Munich as Scientific Manager in 2022.
From 2013 to 2022, Wiebke was leading the Advanced Survey Quality Methods (ASQME) research group, the Survey Quality Predictor (SQP) project, and the Core Scientific Team of the European Social Survey (ESS) ERIC at the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM) of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain). From 2019 to 2022, she was Deputy Director of RECSM. Her research focuses mainly on measurement quality and comparability of survey items. As a survey consultant, she advises on questionnaire design and survey data analyses (with correction for measurement error).
Wiebke received her PhD from UPF in 2013, in the areas of political science and survey methodology, under the supervision of Willem Saris and Mariano Torcal. Her dissertation dealt with measurement equivalence and the meaning of left-right orientation using data from the ESS.
Previously, she was a member of the Scientific Advisory Panel of SAHWA (2014-2017), publication officer of the online journal Survey Research Methods (SRM, 2009-2014) and held the position of General Secretary of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA, 2009-2011).